Friday, February 5, 2016

Spring Wild Canada Geese Control

Spring Goose Control 

    Late February through March Canada Geese start to pair up for the spring and look for ideal nesting properties.  Canada Geese are monogamous and mate for life.  This is the time of year when pairs of Canada geese either return to their place of nesting from previous years or look for a new place.   More times than not they will return to the same general area to nest. They may not nest in the exact same location but they will nest on the same lakes, ponds, parking lots etc..

    Why are Canada geese so habitual when selecting a nesting spot?  We believe, and according to the experts, it has to do with familiarity and safety.  Geese who have had successful hatches are imprinted to believe that they found a good spot free of predators, hunters and disturbances. In essence, they have found a good neighborhood to live and raise their young.

    On the contrary, geese that have had unsuccessful hatches are unlikely to return to that place because it is a bad neighborhood for one reason or another.  Given the choice, geese will nest where there is less pressure from predators and human intervention.  This is why our Nest and Egg Depredation Program is so successful.

    Spring goose control is so important to our  Nuisance Geese Management Program.  Without spring goose control the population of wild geese will continue to grow and flourish. Our humane methods of hazing wild geese with our goose dogs, and other proprietary methods, ensure that when geese leave they know they are leaving an area not conducive to nesting or raising their young.  These wild geese find themselves being chased off lawns, into water, then once in the water, chased out by one of our dogs.  This is too much pressure for them.  The geese leave to find another home where they can roost, nest and raise their young in peace. The loss of  a nest by a wild Canada goose pair, can lead to them leaving town and flying all the way back to the Arctic.

    Recent study, discussed here, in National Geographic,  found more than half the resident geese tracked during a satellite-monitoring project, migrated to Canada when their nests failed. Another study found that 44 percent of geese in New York, Pennsylvania, and Vermont headed north when they had no young to care for.

    Researchers tracked one female goose who nested every year in front of the same Toronto office building until it lost its clutch of eggs. Then, it flew to extreme northern Québec, on the fringes of the Arctic. “If it hadn’t lost its nest, it would have stayed in the plaza outside of shipping and receiving all summer,” researchers reported. 

   If you are tired of having Canada geese on your lawn, in your pond, lake or at your place of business all spring and summer, you have to stop the spring cycle of nesting and the fall cycle of pond hopping and roosting by migratory and resident geese.  Resident geese that find your property to their liking in the fall will be sure to return in the spring.

    Rescue Me Goose Chasing employees use all the Certified Goose Management training we received at the National Wildlife Control Operators Association (NWCOA) and our experience to Get Rid of Geese...FAST!  

Call Us for a free consultation  630-926-8962


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